Source code for pegasus.views

This module contains all the business logic related to the app 'views'/URLs and how the server interacts
with the database.
Because it's a simple enough app, for now, queries are directly written instead of being processed by something like SQLAlchemy.
All AJAX POST functions return a new CSRF-protection token as the token is per request, not per session.

1. Function definitions.
2. Basic/rendered views.
3. API for AJAX requests.

In order for the following to make sense, here's the database schema/logic:
        |   TABLE       |   COLUMNS                                                                                                                                                |
        |   USERS       |   - ID                                                                                                                                                   |                     
        |               |   - Name (optional)                                                                                                                                      |
        |               |   - Username                                                                                                                                             |
        |               |   - UserEmail                                                                                                                                            |
        |               |   - Join_Date (defaults to date of creation of row)                                                                                                      |
        |               |   - ID                                                                                                                                                   |
        |               |   - Title                                                                                                                                                |
        |               |   - CreatorID                                                                                                                                            |
        |               |   - Created_at (defaults to date of creation)                                                                                                            |
        |               |   - Done_at (Created_at + 24hrs at creation)                                                                                                             |
        |   BOARDS      |   - Locked_until (Locks are placed when someone edits the board and last 5 seconds to prevent editing the same thing at the same time by someone else.   |
        |               |    This column defaults to date of creation and is changed later)                                                                                        |
        |               |   - Locked_by (Who, in terms of userID or email, was the last to lock the board)                                                                         |
        |               |   - ID                                                                                                                                                   |
        |               |   - BoardID                                                                                                                                              |
        |               |   - UserEmail (optional, in case an invited but not signed in user creates a component instance)                                                         |
        |               |   - UserID (optional, in case user is signed in)                                                                                                         |
        | BOARD_CONTENT |   - Created_at                                                                                                                                           |
        |               |   - Last_modified_at                                                                                                                                     |
        |               |   - Last_modified_by                                                                                                                                     |
        |               |   - Position (optional, for components whose positions matter, like text)                                                                                |
        |               |   - Deleted (boolean, 'N' or 'Y')                                                                                                                        |
        |    INVITES    |   - ID (UUID instead of auto-incrementing integer)                                                                                                       |
        |               |   - BoardID                                                                                                                                              |
        |               |   - UserEmail                                                                                                                                            |
        |               |   - Invite_date                                                                                                                                          |
        |               |   - Type (view or edit)                                                                                                                                  |
from pegasus import app
import sqlite3
import uuid
import string
import random
from flask import request, session, g, redirect, url_for, abort, render_template, flash, jsonify
from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from itertools import islice

# all the definitions
[docs]def get_random_string(length=32): """Generate a random string of length 32, used in ``generate_csrf_token()``""" return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for i in range(length))
[docs]def generate_csrf_token(): """Create a CSRF-protection token if one doesn't already exist in the user's session and put it there.""" if '_csrf_token' not in session: session['_csrf_token'] = get_random_string() return session['_csrf_token']
app.jinja_env.globals['csrf_token'] = generate_csrf_token """Whenever `{{ csrf_token() }}` is used in a Jinja2 template, it returns the result of the function `generate_csrf_token()` """
[docs]def login_user(username): """Login user using their username. Put username and userid (find in database) in their respective sessions.""" session['logged_in'] = True session['username'] = username cur = g.db.execute('select id from users where username=?', [username]).fetchone() uid = cur[0] session['userid'] = uid # to register any info in another table where userid is a FK instead of querying every time
[docs]def is_owner(boardID, userID): """Check if a user is the owner of a certain board.""" cur = g.db.execute('select creatorID from boards where id=?', [boardID]).fetchone()[0] if cur == userID: return True else: return False
[docs]def lock_board(boardID, userID=None, userEmail=None): """Called after making sure the board isn't currently locked and the user has editing access. Any sqlite3.Error s handled in calling function. Lock the board for 5 seconds. """ user = userID if userID is not None else userEmail lock = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=5) lock_time = lock.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') g.db.execute('update boards set locked_until=?, locked_by=? where id=?', [lock_time, user, boardID]) g.db.commit()
[docs]def is_authorized(boardID, wantToEdit=False): """Check if a certain signed in user (who by default doesn't want to edit the board) is authorized to access it, and if yes, what's the extent of their access? View/Edit/Owner. If edit/owner, can they edit now? (if the board is not locked, this function will lock it for them). Returns a hash that includes access (boolean), isOwner (boolean), canEditNow (boolean), and accessType (str) """ access = False isOwner = False accessType = None canEditNow = False if session.get('logged_in'): # not counting in the invitation link logic here uid = session['userid'] # are they the owner? if is_owner(boardID, uid): access = True isOwner = True accessType = 'edit' else: uemail = g.db.execute('select email from users where id=?', [uid]).fetchone()[0] cur2 = g.db.execute('select type from invites where boardID=? and userEmail=?', [boardID, uemail]).fetchone() if cur2 is not None: access = True accessType = cur2[0] if accessType =='edit' and wantToEdit: # boardID must exist at this point, checked by calling functions lock = g.db.execute('select locked_until, locked_by from boards where id=?', [boardID]).fetchone() if lock is not None: lockedUntil = datetime.strptime(lock[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') lockedBy = lock[1] if (datetime.utcnow() > lockedUntil) or (datetime.utcnow() < lockedUntil and int(lockedBy) == uid): try: lock_board(boardID, userID=str(uid)) canEditNow = True except sqlite3.Error as e: pass return {'access':access, 'isOwner':isOwner, 'accessType':accessType, 'canEditNow':canEditNow}
# routing (views) @app.route('/')
[docs]def index(): """Helpers for the index page.""" if session.get('logged_in'): email = g.db.execute('select email from users where id=?', [session['userid']]).fetchone()[0].lower() cur2 = g.db.execute('select id, title from boards where id in (select boardID from invites where userEmail=?)', [email]).fetchall() invitedLi = [dict(id=row[0], title=row[1]) for row in cur2] return render_template('show_list.html', invitedBoards=invitedLi) else: cur = g.db.execute('select username, join_date from users order by id') li = [dict(username=row[0], jdate=row[1]) for row in cur.fetchall()] return render_template('show_list.html', li=li)
@app.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
[docs]def register_user(): """If not logged in and POST, register new user and go to index. If an error occurs, render the same register template again but with an error.""" if session.get('logged_in'): abort(401) error = None if request.method == 'POST': try: pw = generate_password_hash(request.form['password'], method='pbkdf2:sha512:10000') un = request.form['username'].lower() em = request.form['email'].lower() g.db.execute('insert into users (username, password, email, name) values (?, ?, ?, ?)', [un, pw, em, request.form['name']]) g.db.commit() login_user(un) flash('Successfully registered!') return redirect(url_for('index')) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: if e.args[0][32:] == 'email': error = 'Email is already in use.' elif e.args[0][32:] == 'username': error = 'Username is already in use.' else: error = e.args[0] return render_template('register.html', error=error)
@app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
[docs]def login(): """Attempt login. If credentials check out, go to index. If not, render login template with error.""" if session.get('logged_in'): abort(401) error = None if request.method == 'POST': cur = g.db.execute('select username, password from users where username=?', [request.form['username'].lower()]) cur_res = cur.fetchone() if cur_res is None: error = 'Invalid username' else: username = cur_res[0] pw = cur_res[1] if check_password_hash(pw, request.form['password']) == False: # ouch error = 'Invalid password' else: login_user(username) flash('Hey there!', 'info') return redirect(url_for('index')) return render_template('login.html', error=error)
[docs]def show_profile(): """Render profile for logged in user.""" if not session.get('logged_in'): abort(401) uid = session.get('userid') cur = g.db.execute('select name, email from users where id=?', [uid]).fetchone() cur2 = g.db.execute('select id, title from boards where creatorID=?', [uid]).fetchall() boards = [dict(id=row[0], title=row[1]) for row in cur2] return render_template('profile.html', name=cur[0], email=cur[1], boards=boards)
[docs]def logout(): """Logout currently logged in user and redirect to home.""" session.pop('logged_in', None) session.pop('username', None) session.pop('userid', None) flash('You go bye bye :(', 'warning') return redirect(url_for('index')) # always going there..
@app.route('/new-board', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
[docs]def create_board(): """Create a new board.""" if not session.get('logged_in'): abort(401) error = None if request.method == 'POST': try: uid = session.get('userid') title = request.form['title'] done = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=1) done_at = done.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') locked_by = str(uid) cur = g.db.cursor() cur.execute('insert into boards (creatorID, title, done_at, locked_by) values (?, ?, ?, ?)', [uid, title, done_at, uid]) g.db.commit() boardID = cur.lastrowid cur.close() flash('Board successfully created!') return redirect(url_for('show_board', boardID=boardID)) except sqlite3.Error as e: error = 'An error occured: ' + e.args[0] return render_template('new-board.html', error=error)
[docs]def show_board(boardID): """Show board with a specified `boardID`. Hierarchy of errors: 1. *404* : board not found. 2. *401* : not authorized. Person trying to view the board is not logged in with access to this board or does not have a (valid) invite code. Renders the page (initially) according to the access type of the user (owner, edit, view). """ # first, check if there's even a board curB = g.db.execute('select title, created_at, done_at from boards where id=?', [boardID]).fetchone() if curB is None: abort(404) else: invite = request.args.get('invite') # ?invite=INVITE_ID auth = is_authorized(boardID) can_participate = False done_at = datetime.strptime(curB[2], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') isDone = False if(done_at < datetime.utcnow()): isDone = True if auth['access']: # don't care if there's an invite string as long as you have access while logged in if auth['accessType'] == 'edit': can_participate = True return render_template('show-board.html', canEdit=can_participate, isDone=isDone, title=curB[0], created_at=curB[1], done_at=curB[2], isOwner=auth['isOwner'], boardID=boardID) elif invite is not None: cur = g.db.execute('select userEmail, type from invites where id=? and boardID=?', [invite, boardID]).fetchone() if cur is None: abort(401) else: if cur[1] == 'edit': can_participate = True return render_template('show-board.html', canEdit=can_participate, isDone=isDone, title=curB[0], created_at=curB[1], done_at=curB[2], email=cur[0], boardID=boardID) else: abort(401)
@app.route('/_removeSelf', methods=['POST'])
[docs]def remove_self(): """Removes logged in user, who is not the owner of a board, from a certain board they'd been invited to.""" if not session.get('logged_in'): abort(401) else: error = 'None' person = session['userid'] bid = int(request.form['boardID']) try: cur = g.db.execute('select email from users where id=?', [person]).fetchone() if cur is None: abort(400) else: email = cur[0].lower() g.db.execute('delete from invites where boardID=? and userEmail=?', [bid, email]) g.db.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: error = e.args[0] if(error=='None'): flash('Successfully removed you from the board.') else: flash(error) return redirect(url_for('index'))
# AJAX functions ## GET @app.route('/_validateUsername', methods=['GET'])
[docs]def validate_username(): """If username is available, return true. Else, if taken, return false. Used in registration.""" un = request.args.get('username', 0, type=str) cur = g.db.execute('select id from users where username=?', [un.lower()]).fetchone() if cur is None: return jsonify(available='true') else: return jsonify(available='false')
@app.route('/_validateEmail', methods=['GET'])
[docs]def validate_email(): """If email is available, return true. Else, if taken, return false. Used in registration.""" em = request.args.get('email', 0, type=str) cur = g.db.execute('select id from users where email=?', [em.lower()]).fetchone() if cur is None: return jsonify(available='true') else: return jsonify(available='false')
## POST @app.route('/_editProfile', methods=['POST'])
[docs]def edit_profile(): """Edit user info, such as username, email, and name for the logged in user.""" if not session.get('logged_in'): abort(401) else: error = 'None' new_token = generate_csrf_token() cur = g.db.execute('select name, email, username from users where id=?', [session['userid']]).fetchone() old_name = cur[0] old_email = cur[1] old_username = cur[2] em = request.form['email'].lower() un = request.form['username'].lower() name = request.form['name'] # first, check availability okay = True cur1 = g.db.execute('select id from users where email=?', [em]).fetchone() cur2 = g.db.execute('select id from users where username=?', [un]).fetchone() if cur1 is not None: if cur1[0] != session['userid']: okay = False error = 'Email is not available.' if cur2 is not None: if cur2[0] != session['userid']: okay = False if error == 'None': error = 'Username is not available.' else: error+=' Username is not available.' if okay: if old_name != name or old_email != em or old_username != un: # only proceed if any changes were made try: old_em = g.db.execute('select email from users where id=?', [session['userid']]).fetchone()[0].lower() g.db.execute('update users set name=?, email=?, username=? where id=?', [name, em, un, session['userid']]) session['username'] = un; g.db.execute('update invites set userEmail=? where userEmail=?', [em, old_em]) g.db.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: error = e.args[0] return jsonify(error=error, token=new_token)
@app.route('/_changePassword', methods=['POST'])
[docs]def change_password(): """Edit password for the logged in user. Front-end handles repeating the password twice before submitting.""" if not session.get('logged_in'): abort(401) else: error = 'None' new_token = generate_csrf_token() password = generate_password_hash(request.form['password'], method='pbkdf2:sha512:10000') pw = g.db.execute('select password from users where id=?', [session['userid']]).fetchone()[0] if not check_password_hash(pw, request.form['old-password']): error = 'Old password you entered is incorrect.' else: try: g.db.execute('update users set password=? where id=?', [password, session['userid']]) g.db.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: error = e.args[0] return jsonify(error=error, token=new_token)
@app.route('/_editInvite', methods=['POST'])
[docs]def edit_invite(): """Edit the type of invitation/access to invited users. Available only to board owner.""" bid = int(request.form['boardID']) em = request.form['email'] old_type = request.form['inviteType'] new_token = generate_csrf_token() error = 'None' if not session.get('logged_in') or not is_owner(bid, session['userid']): abort(401) else: if old_type=='edit': new_type = 'view' elif old_type=='view': new_type = 'edit' else: abort(400) try: g.db.execute('update invites set type=? where boardID=? and userEmail=?', [new_type, bid, em]) g.db.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: error = e.args[0] return jsonify(error=error, token=new_token)
## API (GET/POST) @app.route('/api/invite/user/<email>/board/<boardID>', methods=['POST'])
[docs]def invite_user(email, boardID): """Invite a user to a board via their email. Available only to the board owner.""" if not session.get('logged_in'): abort(401) em = email.lower() ty = request.form['type'] # view or edit bid = int(boardID) user = session['userid'] inviteID = uuid.uuid4().hex error = 'None' successful='false' if is_owner(bid, user): try: g.db.execute('insert into invites (id, userEmail, boardID, type) values (?, ?, ?, ?)', [inviteID, em, bid, ty]) g.db.commit() successful = 'true' except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: error = 'This email has already been invited to this board.' except sqlite3.Error as e: # for debugging error = e.args[0] finally: new_token = generate_csrf_token() return jsonify(successful=successful, error=error, token=new_token)
@app.route('/api/edit/board/<boardID>/title', methods=['POST'])
[docs]def edit_board(boardID): """Edit board title if the user is the owner.""" if not session.get('logged_in'): abort(401) else: # is logged in curBoard = g.db.execute('select title from boards where id=?', [int(boardID)]).fetchone() if curBoard is None: abort(404) error = 'None' new_token = generate_csrf_token() try: g.db.execute('update boards set title=? where id=? and creatorID=?', [request.form['title'], int(boardID), session['userid']]) g.db.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: error = e.args[0] return jsonify(error=error, token=new_token) # and new CSRF token to be used again
@app.route('/api/expire/board/<boardID>', methods=['POST'])
[docs]def mark_done(boardID): """Mark a board as done before the 24 hours are up. Only available to the owner of the board.""" if not session.get('logged_in'): abort(401) else: error = 'None' new_token = generate_csrf_token() done = datetime.utcnow() done_at = done.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') bid = int(boardID) old_done_at = datetime.strptime(g.db.execute('select done_at from boards where id=?', [bid]).fetchone()[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if old_done_at < done: abort(400) try: g.db.execute('update boards set done_at=? where id=? and creatorID=?', [done_at, bid, session['userid']]) g.db.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: error = e.args[0] return jsonify(error=error, token=new_token)
@app.route('/api/delete/board/<boardID>', methods=['POST'])
[docs]def delete_board(boardID): """Delete board. Only allows it in case the board in question""" if not session.get('logged_in'): abort(401) else: error = 'None' new_token = generate_csrf_token() bid = int(boardID) try: g.db.execute('delete from boards where id=? and creatorID=?', [bid, session['userid']]) g.db.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: error = e.args[0] if(error!='None'): flash(error) return redirect(url_for('show_profile'))
@app.route('/api/board/<boardID>/components/get', methods=['GET'])
[docs]def get_components(boardID): """Get all components of a board. This includes: - Chat, text, and other components along with all their relevant data (date, who, etc). - State of the board: locked/unlocked. """ bid = int(boardID) curBoard = g.db.execute('select locked_until, locked_by from boards where id=?', [bid]).fetchone() if curBoard is None: abort(404) else: inv = request.args.get('invite', 0, str) if inv != '-1' and not session.get('logged_in'): curInvite = g.db.execute('select userEmail from invites where id=?', [inv]).fetchone() if curInvite is None: abort(401) else: who = curInvite[0] elif session.get('logged_in'): auth = is_authorized(bid) if not auth['access']: abort(401) else: who = str(session['userid']) else: abort(401) lastClientGot = request.args.get('lastModified', 0, str) lock_until = datetime.strptime(curBoard[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') lock_by = curBoard[1] LOCKED = False if datetime.utcnow() < lock_until and lock_by != who: LOCKED = True # get list try: curList = g.db.execute('select id, content, userID, userEmail, created_at, last_modified_at, last_modified_by, type, position, deleted from board_content where boardID=? and last_modified_at > ? order by created_at', [bid, lastClientGot]).fetchall() if len(curList) > 0: messages = [dict(id=row[0], content=row[1], userID=row[2], userEmail=row[3], created_at=row[4], last_modified_at=row[5], last_modified_by=row[6], type=row[7], position=row[8], deleted=row[9]) for row in curList] return jsonify(messages=messages, locked=LOCKED, lockedBy=lock_by) else: error = 'Nothing new.' return jsonify(error=error, locked=LOCKED, lockedBy=lock_by) except sqlite3.Error as e: error = e.args[0] return jsonify(error=error, locked=LOCKED, lockedBy=lock_by)
@app.route('/api/board/<boardID>/components/post', methods=['POST'])
[docs]def post_components(boardID): """Post a component to the board. Works for all types.""" bid = int(boardID) new_token = generate_csrf_token() msg = request.form['message'] ty = request.form['content-type'] position = request.form['position'] error = 'None' componentID = None wantEdit = False if ty == 'chat' else True curBoard = g.db.execute('select done_at, locked_until, locked_by from boards where id=?', [bid]).fetchone() if curBoard is None: abort(404) done_at = datetime.strptime(curBoard[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') inv = request.form['invite'] if inv != '-1' and not session.get('logged_in'): curInvite = g.db.execute('select type, userEmail from invites where id=? and boardID=?', [inv, bid]).fetchone() if curInvite is None: abort(401) else: who = curInvite[1] elif session.get('logged_in'): auth = is_authorized(bid, wantToEdit=wantEdit) if not auth['access'] and auth['accessType'] == 'edit': abort(401) who = session['userid'] if(done_at > datetime.utcnow()): if len(msg)>=1: if session.get('logged_in'): if (ty != 'chat' and auth['canEditNow']) or (ty == 'chat'): try: cursor = g.db.cursor() cursor.execute('insert into board_content (boardID, userID, content, type, position, last_modified_at, last_modified_by) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [bid, who, msg, ty, position, datetime.utcnow(), who]) g.db.commit() componentID = cursor.lastrowid cursor.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: error = e.args[0] else: error = 'This board is locked for edit by another user.' elif inv != '-1' and ((curInvite[0] == 'edit' and ty != 'chat') or (ty == 'chat')): lockedUntil = datetime.strptime(curBoard[1],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') lockedBy = curBoard[2] allowEdit = False if datetime.utcnow() > lockedUntil or (datetime.utcnow() < lockedUntil and lockedBy == who): try: lock_board(bid, userEmail=who) allowEdit = True except sqlite3.Error as e: error = e.args[0] if allowEdit: try: cursor = g.db.cursor() cursor.execute('insert into board_content (boardID, userEmail, content, type, position, last_modified_at, last_modified_by) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [bid, who, msg, ty, position, datetime.utcnow(), who]) g.db.commit() cursor.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: error = e.args[0] else: error = 'This board is locked for edit by another user.' else: error = 'Your priviliges do not allow you to post to this board.' else: error = 'Content too short.' else: error = 'This board has expired. You cannot make any changes.' return jsonify(error=error, token=new_token, componentID=componentID)
@app.route('/api/user/<userID>', methods=['GET'])
[docs]def get_user(userID): """Get a user's username/name based on their ID. Available to everyone.""" # no authentication needed, public info. A better app would only provide this info to people who have something in common with the user ## like they share a board. But for now, it's just public. error = 'None' username = None name = None try: cur = g.db.execute('select name, username from users where id=?', [int(userID)]).fetchone() if cur is None: error = 'User not found.' else: name = cur[0] username = cur[1] except sqlite3.Error as e: # just in case error = e.args[0] return jsonify(error=error, username=username, name=name)
@app.route('/api/invited/<boardID>', methods=['GET'])
[docs]def invited_users(boardID): """Get list of invited emails and the type of their invitations. Available to board owner only.""" error = 'None' invited = 'None' new_token = generate_csrf_token() # for the POST forms generated on the fly bid = int(boardID) curBoard = g.db.execute('select title from boards where id=?', [bid]).fetchone() if curBoard is None: abort(404) if not session.get('logged_in') or not is_owner(bid, session['userid']): abort(401) else: try: cur = g.db.execute('select userEmail, type from invites where boardID=? order by invite_date', [bid]).fetchall() if len(cur) == 0: error = 'No one has been invited to this board yet.' else: invited = [dict(userEmail=row[0], type=row[1]) for row in cur] except sqlite3.Error as e: error = e.args[0] return jsonify(error=error, invited=invited, token=new_token)
@app.route('/api/edit/board/<boardID>/component/<componentID>', methods=['POST'])
[docs]def edit_component(componentID, boardID): """Edit a component's content (the text, etc). Available to anyone with edit/owner access to the board.""" error = 'None' new_token = generate_csrf_token() bid = int(boardID) cid = int(componentID) inv = request.form['invite'] curBoard = g.db.execute('select locked_until, locked_by from boards where id=?', [bid]).fetchone() if curBoard is None: abort(404) if inv != '-1' and not session.get('logged_in'): # don't care if there's an invite string as long as they're logged in cur = g.db.execute('select type, userEmail from invites where id=? and boardID=?', [inv, bid]).fetchone() if cur is None: abort(401) elif cur[0] != 'edit': abort(401) else: mod = cur[1] lockedUntil = datetime.strptime(curBoard[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') lockedBy = curBoard[1] if(datetime.utcnow() > lockedUntil) or (datetime.utcnow() < lockedUntil and lockedBy == mod): try: lock_board(bid,userEmail=mod) allowEdit = True except sqlite3.Error as e: error = e.args[0] elif session.get('logged_in'): auth = is_authorized(bid, wantToEdit=True) if not auth['access'] or not auth['accessType'] == 'edit' or not auth['canEditNow']: abort(401) else: allowEdit = True mod = session['userid'] else: abort(401) # if we get this far, user has editing access if allowEdit: ty = request.form['content-type'] nowDate = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') curDone = g.db.execute('select done_at from boards where id=?', [bid]).fetchone() done_at = datetime.strptime(curDone[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if done_at > datetime.utcnow(): try: if request.form['hasMessages']=='true': msg = request.form['message'] if len(msg)>=1: g.db.execute('update board_content set content=?, last_modified_at=?, last_modified_by=? where id=? and boardID=? and type=? and deleted=?', [msg, nowDate, mod, cid, bid, ty, 'N']) g.db.commit() else: error = 'Content too short.' else: # refreshing position only pos = request.form['position'] g.db.execute('update board_content set position=?, last_modified_at=?, last_modified_by=? where id=? and boardID=? and type=? and deleted=?', [pos, nowDate, mod, cid, bid, ty, 'N']) g.db.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: error = e.args[0] else: error = 'This board has expired. You cannot make any more changes.' else: error = 'This board is locked for edit by another user.' return jsonify(error=error, token=new_token)
@app.route('/api/delete/board/<boardID>/component/<componentID>', methods=['POST'])
[docs]def delete_component(boardID, componentID): """Delete a component. Separated from editing for readability and possible future modification of the edit function. Also available to everyone with edit/owner access.""" error = 'None' new_token = generate_csrf_token() bid = int(boardID) cid = int(componentID) inv = request.form['invite'] curBoard = g.db.execute('select locked_until, locked_by from boards where id=?', [bid]).fetchone() if curBoard is None: abort(404) if inv != '-1' and not session.get('logged_in'): # don't care if there's an invite string as long as they're logged in cur = g.db.execute('select type, userEmail from invites where id=? and boardID=?', [inv, bid]).fetchone() if cur is None: abort(401) elif cur[0] != 'edit': abort(401) else: mod = cur[1] lockedUntil = datetime.strptime(curBoard[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') lockedBy = curBoard[1] if(datetime.utcnow() > lockedUntil) or (datetime.utcnow() < lockedUntil and lockedBy == mod): try: lock_board(bid,userEmail=mod) allowDelete = True except sqlite3.Error as e: error = e.args[0] elif session.get('logged_in'): auth = is_authorized(bid, wantToEdit=True) if not auth['access'] or not auth['accessType'] == 'edit' or not auth['canEditNow']: abort(401) else: allowDelete = True mod = session['userid'] else: abort(401) if allowDelete: nowDate = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') curDone = g.db.execute('select done_at from boards where id=?', [bid]).fetchone() done_at = datetime.strptime(curDone[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if done_at > datetime.utcnow(): try: g.db.execute('update board_content set deleted=?, last_modified_at=?, last_modified_by=? where id=? and boardID=? and type!=?', ['Y', nowDate, mod, cid, bid, 'chat']) g.db.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: error = e.args[0] else: error = 'This board has expired. You cannot make any more changes.' else: error = 'This board is locked for edit by another user.' return jsonify(error=error, token=new_token)